Defining Your Ecosystem of Apps and Tools

Defining Your Ecosystem of Apps and Tools

I find that many people have apps and tools that they use that don’t work with each other, don’t work across platforms and are actually a “pain in the neck” as they increase complexity and reduce productivity. Therefore, it’s really...
A Changing Environment

A Changing Environment

Change is a fundamental and common element to our business environment and this will continue to impact on the whole Australian economy for the next few years. As we have discussed previously, both the volume and rate of change are growing exponentially. Very few...
5 Key Trends in Australian Business

5 Key Trends in Australian Business

Doing business in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) environment requires business owners to always be one step ahead of the curve and continuously think of ways to successfully adapt their business to the complex, changing environment brought about...