Managing your Cash Flow

Managing your Cash Flow

What are the Cash Drivers in your Business? There 3 primary cash drivers in any business and 3 secondary drivers. The primary drivers are responsible for the overall amount of cash that you generate. The secondary drivers are responsible for the amount that you have...
You’re Selling “WHAT”?

You’re Selling “WHAT”?

What is your strategy, again? Or You’re selling “what”? One of the key problems with this current financial crisis is that much of the problem has been created because of flawed strategies. For example: one of the first regional banks to crash in the...
Globalism Requires a New Paradigm

Globalism Requires a New Paradigm

If nothing else, the current crisis has clearly underlined the global nature of our economy. We are now, more than ever, influenced by the actions and reactions of our international partners. The flow-on effects of the sub-prime mortgage fallout in the United States...